Noticing the Signs of a Heat-Related Illnesses on Construction Sites
Posted: Jul 1st, 2022In: UncategorizedIt is no surprise to anyone who works on construction sites, especially in the South, that it can get hot. “Between 1992 and 2016, 285 construction workers died from heat-related causes.” In Louisiana, summer temperatures[...]
Read More about Noticing the Signs of a Heat-Related Illnesses on Construction SitesWhy Your Building Needs to be Hurricane Ready
Posted: Jun 1st, 2022In: UncategorizedHurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th each year. Louisiana has experienced 54 hurricanes since 1851, with 17 ranking between a Category 3 and a Category 5. Other states that have suffered significant[...]
Read More about Why Your Building Needs to be Hurricane ReadyReal-Time Rendering
Posted: May 1st, 2022In: UncategorizedThe technology of the world is advancing more and more each day. Every industry, including the construction industry, is being challenged to keep up with these changes. Magellan Construction is no different as we aim[...]
Read More about Real-Time Rendering